Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O)

Francisca Nana Ama Djokoto (Mrs) is the CEO of Nature’s Beauty, which is the brand name for AYPAK ROYAAL. It’s an all natural skin and hair care brand.

She graduated from Dominion University College with a first degree in Business Administration in Marketing. After university, she couldn’t wait  any further but to explore her passion of becoming an entrepreneur.

She takes pride in providing quality skin, hair, and other natural beauty products. 80% of her raw materials are sourced from hardworking rural women from Ghana.

With determination and hard work, she has been able to attend some international trade shows in Shanghai China, South Africa, Zambia, Lagos Nigeria, Accra Ghana, just to mention a few.

Her goals include promoting individual natural beauty through the use of natural health products and also committed to building customers’ trust and confidence by providing its International and Local customers with well-functioning and long-lasting business relationships.